Tuesday, 29 November 2011


I was in Singapore the other day, from 18th to 20th November 2011, with my Mrs and my precocious granddaughter tagging along. It was not a family holiday trip as I would be slightly gila to spend my holidays in a place where I would have to pay double for the same item or services that I could get at home. A taxi ride in Malaysia costing me RM 15 ringgit would also cost me the same in Singapore but in Singapore dollars. Times that by 2.4 and that same ride would have made me RM36 poorer.

I remember a time when Singapore was expelled from Malaysia and Lee Kuan Yew was worried about Singapore’s survival without mainland Malaysia as it’s hinterland. To ensure Singapore’s survival, Lee started the “Rugged Singapore” creed where Singaporeans were extolled to be tough, resilient and hardworking to survive. Fortunately at that time Lee did not have a Jew to advise him on a 1Singapore campaign otherwise Singapore would have been swallowed by the sea. Imagine a small, then 224 sq.miles country with a population of less than 2 million people and no natural resources beating the shit out of Malaysia, economically and administratively.

That was the time when Malaysians flocked to Woodlands, Singapore to buy Jaffa oranges, clothes, chocolates and electrical goods because RM1 is Singapore 1 dollar and stuff are way way cheaper in Singapore. What happened today? RM1 is only worth about 40 cents Singapore. Singapore Airlines is making money, Malaysia Airlines is going bankrupt. Singapore is having the highest paid civil servants in the world while Malaysia boast the most bloated civil service in the world. Temasek Holdings is giving $800 to Singaporeans last year as dividends whilst our very own Khazanah Nasional is bleeding Malaysians dry. Mana mahu taruk muka, meh!!

Back to the reason why I was in Singapore. I was there for my alma mater, Raffles Institution, class of 66-71 reunion dinner on 19th November at the new Raffles Institution campus in Bishan, Singapore. Joining Raffles Institution in 1966 as a secondary 1 student (form 1 in Malaysia), I left for Malaysia in 1969 on completion of my Cambridge Overseas School Certificate examination. For me it has been 42 years since I last saw my schoolmates and for those who continue up to pre-university studies, it has been 40 years since our Rafflesian assembly. We are Rafflesians and proud of it.

What is so great about the school that it made ex Rafflesians flew thousands of mile from Dubai, USA, UK, Australia and of course Malaysia to meet up again after 40/42 years. Until today, Raffles Institution is still the best school in Singapore, it’s annual student intake taken from the cream of Singapore’s brightest primary school minds. In Malaysia, that would be something like the Malay College Kuala Kangsar. The only difference being that at Raffles Institution, being a Dato’, a Tan Sri or a political bigwig son does not mean automatic entry into R.I. if you are dumb, you are dumb. You don’t deserve to wear the Gryphon badge of a Rafflesian.

So there I was with about 150 other Rafflesians, about half of the cohorts who made up the class of 66-71. We drink, we dine, we talk and we sang the school anthem, “Auspicium Melioris Aevi” . No dancing though. Everybody who is there that night is somebody except for one malaysian, a nobody who retires as a superintendent of the Royal Malaysia Police. Anyway, I am still thankful for what I am. I may be a malaysian small fry but I know I am not an idiot, unlike most malaysian ruling politicians who are on par with nitwits and goondos.

As class reunion goes, it is the usual catching up talks among friends, reminising about old days. About a time when we hoist up 5 bras up the flagpole during the school flag raising ceremony. Being a malaysian amongst singaporeans will definitely elicits questions and comments about malaysia. Unlike some indian HIndraf lawyer who is now hiding in London, when asked about my views on the malaysian state of affairs, I tried my best not to run down this country even though in my heart, Malaysia memang teruk. I choose to remain a Malaysian, so I have got to live with it and try to change conditions whenever I can. But then there are questions that I just simply can’t answer because to gloss things over, I would be lying. Questions like, “Why is your police force so corrupted?” or “Malaysia is blessed with a stable political climate, abundant natural resources and has enough intelligent population (among the rakyat not the politicians – words in bold, my own) but why can’t Malaysia be efficiently managed.” In answer to such questions, I just gave a sour smile.

The gathering of old Rafflesians in Singapore that Saturday brought one thing to mind. If Rafflesians regardless of race, religion and status could have that spirit of oneness that makes this gathering possible with old Rafflesians coming in from all over the world to attend it after leaving school 40 years ago, why can’t malaysians unite as one nation. Yes, we have 1Malaysia but that is only Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin. Come to think of it, this 1Malaysia is for whom? Is 1Malaysia for the rakyat or is 1Malaysia only for those in power. If the rakyat comes first why then the pilferage of government funds to line the pockets of ministers and their cronies. The Auditor General report says it all.

Until the next Rafflesians Reunion to be held in Malaysia, a saying from Uncle B. "Better to be a coolie but a smart one than be a minister but a bodoh one".


Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Di Malaysia, memilih jenis pengangkutan awam untuk bergerak dari satu tempat ke satu tempat adalah perkara yang boleh memudaratkan kesihatan fisikal dan mental. Kalau belum ada darah tinggi boleh meletup saluran darah jadinya dan jika belum gila, boleh jadi gila dibuatnya.

Hari jumaat, 18hb November 2011, saya, isteri dan cucu ke Singapura. Bukan bercuti tetapi menghadiri majlis makan malam class of 66-71, Raffles Institution, sekolah menengah tempat saya belajar dahulu. Tang reunion dinner selepas 40 tahun kami berpisah, saya story kemudian.

Niat di hati nak naik bas sahaja menyeberang tambak Johor untuk jimat belanja tetapi apabila mengenangkan bas-bas antara bandar di Malaysia suka sangat accident, terbalik, jatuh gaung dan terputus dua, saya batalkan hasrat tersebut. Merbahaya meletakkan nyawa keluarga dalam tangan penagih dadah dan orang gasar yang diberi lesen untuk memandu kenderaan awam. Jadi saya korek tabung dan dapatlah sikit duit, cukup untuk beli tiket kapalterbang Air Asia, the world’s best low cost airline. Dengan tagline “Now Everybody Can Fly”, rabak juga duit saya RM750. Apa tidaknya, nak check in di counter kena bayar, nak baggage 20 kg kena bayar, nak pilih seat kena bayar, panjang kata semuanya berbayar. Dahlah asyik kena tipu dengan pemimpin negara, syarikat koperat pun ikut sama kelentong rakyat.

Penerbangan AK 703 sepatutnya berlepas jam 12:20 tengah hari. Boarding time jam 12:00 tapi jam 12:20 baru kami dibenarkan untuk berjalan menuju pesawat. Seperti biasa, bila buka aja boarding gate, berpusu-pusu dan berebut-rebut orang malaysia yang terkenal dengan perangai tak reti beraturnya untuk keluar pintu. Tidak dihiraukan lansung Uncle macam saya yang ada anak kecil bersama. Depa rempuh semacam aje. Bila orang luar kata orang malaysia tak bertamaddun kita marah tetapi memang itu hakikatnya. Walaupun sekolah tinggi, kedudukan tinggi dan hidung lagi tinggi, perangai saling tak tumpah macam lembu terlepas kandang.

Lalu menapaklah kami ke kapalterbang yang sedang menunggu. Sampai aje kat penghujung covered walkway tidak berhawa dingin untuk ke AK 703, kami kena tahan, tidak dibenarkan menaikki pesawat kerana ground crew nak tukar tayar. Dekat balai berlepas kata dah boleh boarding tetapi dekat kapalterbang suruh tunggu pulak sebab tayar kapalterbang panjit. Ground crew dekat balai berlepas ada walkie talkie, begitu juga crew dekat apron. Jadi kenapa mereka tak berhubong antara satu sama lain untuk memaklumkan keadaan semasa dalam real time. Kebodohan macam ini hanya boleh berlaku di Malaysia aje agaknya. Jadi menunggulah kami lebihkurang 1 jam dalam panas dengan melengas badan sementara dia orang pam tayar kapalterbang.

Untuk balik ke Malaysia pada 21 November 2011, saya gunakan tren express Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) atau quoting arwah datuk saya, Keling Tipu Melayu. Bukan saya cakap tapi atuk saya yang kata. Station KTM di Tanjung Pagar, dah tak ada lagi sebab dah jual borong kepada kerajaan Singapura, jadi saya dan keluarga ke CIQ Woodlands untuk ambil tren yang dijadualkan berlepas dari Singapura jam 1:45 tengah hari dan dijangka sampai di KL Sentral, Kuala Lumpur pada jam 8:25 malam. Nak tahu apa jadi?

Tren berlepas lebihkurang jam 1:55 petang sebab masih ada passenger yang terhegeh-hegeh sampai. Biasalah kan, orang malaysia, mana reti ikut jam. By malaysian standards, lewat 10 minit kira oklah. Malangnya, dekat-dekat nak sampai station Seremban, kat tengah-tengah hutan antara station Seremban dengan station Rembau, keretapi rosak. Kena tunggu engine dari selatan datang dan heret balik keretapi ke station Rembau untuk bolehkan engine diubah ke hadapan dan sambung perjalanan ke KL. Nak tahu berapa jam kami tersadai dalam hutan tu. Hampir 4 jam. Untuk tambah sakit hati, KTM tak pernah dengar fasal thermostat agaknya. Punyalah sejuk dalam keretapi hinggakan telor yang berbungkus dalam seluar dalam dan kopek yang dibalut coli pun boleh kecut. Akhirnya kami sampai di KL Sentral jam 12:15 pagi keesokkan harinya.

Kapalterbang tayar panjit, keretapi enjin rosak dan bas yang suka berguling-guling di highway yang selalu jam, inilah the state of public transportation in Malaysia.

Hingga jumpa lagi, selamat membeli kereta walaupun kurang mampu kerana pengangkutan awam di Malaysia, hampeh, dari Uncle B yang dulu, kini dan selamanya tidak akan yakin dengan kemampuan Najib untuk mengtranformasikan kerajaan.


Monday, 7 November 2011


The matsallehs has two sayings which goes hand in hand to make life easier for you especially if you’re in a position where there is opportunity to make hay. “Make Hay While The Sun Shines” and “Opportunity Knocks But Once”, as the sayings go. How do you apply that in real life?

Say you are in a position to approve or not to approve something or to close or not to close one eye, the result of which will cause the other party, who’s waiting for your approval or your eye to shut, financial gain or loss. In such a situation, I am sure the other party who stands to gain financially from your yes or no, will be more than willing to share his/her financial joy. Rationalised this monetary rewards that you can get, not as corruption but as gifts or commissions or whatever. In that way your conscience won’t be tickled.

A friend who’s a former croupier at a casino in Malaysia once told me that after every shift, all the money accrued at the gaming tables will be brought to a special counting room. Here the money collected will be totalled in the presence of a government official who will then verify and certify the amount collected. From this certified figure, the Malaysian government will collect its 25% gaming tax. So if RM 2 million is certified collected after a shift, then the government will collect a tax of RM 500,000 with the remaining RM 1.5 million to the casino. What if the amount collected is certified only as RM 1.5 million. Then the tax collected will be RM 375,000. The casino will get RM 1.625 million, an extra of RM 125,000. Don’t you think the casino is more than willing to throw RM 25,000 to the government official to close an eye to the actual amount of cash collected. That was years ago. Maybe the cash counting system is now foolproof and there is no chance of hanky panky. I don't know but I guess you see what I am getting at.

With the Government Transformation Program going full blast, the above scenario might just be the imaginings of a fertile mind. But it’s food for thought. What if you’re that government official. What would you do. To close or not to close one eye, that is the million ringgit question.

Of course the question of morale rights and wrongs, ethics and integrity will always be there. But does being morally and ethically right pays in the real world? Your guess is as good as mine. One thing is certain though, making hay while the sun shines and opening the door to opportunity the moment it knocks irregardless of whether it's the devil or an angel who comes a knocking on your door, can definitely ensures a relaxing, financially independent and stress free retirement.

Until we meet again, “Tepuk Dada Tanya Selera”, from Uncle B, who misses opoortunity first call and hopes that he’ll visit again soon. Cheerio.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Berita muka hadapan The Sun, 1 November 2011, mengubah sedikit pandangan saya terhadap system kehakiman negara. “UUCA unconstitutional>Section 15(5)(a) of act is unreasonable and violates freedom of speech, rules court”, jerit tajuk berita tersebut.

Syukur Alhamdullillah, masih ada hakim-hakim seperti Justice Datuk Mohd Hishamuddin Mohd Yunus dan Datuk Linton Albert dalam mahkamah kita. Semoga mereka tidak disejuk-bekukan atau diapa-apakan. Menggunung juga harapan supaya UUCA tidak dipinda supaya tindakan mana-mana universiti terhadap pelajar mereka di bawah UUCA, tidak lagi boleh dicabar di mahkamah sebagaimana ISA.

Satu ketika dulu, pertuduhan di bawah ISA yang dikenakan terhadap seseorang boleh dicabar di mahkamah. Apabila pihak kerajaan mendapati masalah dalam mengemukakan bukti-bukti kukuh untuk mempertahankan pertuduhan-pertuduhan yang dikemukakan, ISA telah dipinda dan pertuduhan-pertuduhan dimana seseorang itu ditahan di bawah ISA tidak lagi boleh dipersoalkan.

Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia dalam keputusannya pada 31 October 2011 telah membatalkan keputusan mahkamah tinggi pada 28 September lalu, yang telah mengenepikan (dismiss) saman pemula yang diambil oleh 4 orang undergrads UKM terhadap kerajaan Malaysia, Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi dan UKM.

Empat orang undergrads jurusan sains politik UKM tersebut, Muhammad Hilman Idham, Woon King Chai, Muhammad Ismail Aminuddin dan Azlin Shafina Mohamad Adza telah mengambil tindakan saman pemula terhadap Kerajaan Malaysia, Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi dan UKM kerana mengambil tindakan discipline terhadap mereka atas kesalahan menghadiri kempen pilihanraya kecil kerusi parlimen Hulu Selangor pada 24 April 2010. Seksyen 15(5)(a) UUCA melarang pelajar universiti daripada menzahir sokongan atau bakangan terhadap mana-mana parti politik.

Hakim Justice Datuk Mohd Hishamuddin Mohd Yunus dalam penghakiman 21 mukasuratnya antara lain menyatakan, “Section 15(5)(a) UUCA is irrational as it impedes the healthy development of the critical mind and original thoughts of students, the objective which higher learning institutions should strive to achieve. Universities should be the breeding ground of reformers and thinkers, and not institutions to produced students trained as robots. Clearly the provision is not only counter productive but repressive in nature”.

What gladdens my heart is the fact that I am finally vindicated, and not less by a judge at that. For too long I have held the believe that our universities produces robots and not thinkers and movers.

For this time, no comments from Uncle B, who was not surprised when the CEO of PEMANDU, Idris Jala, warns that Malaysia will go bankrupt in 10 years time if we are not careful, which also happens to be my believe all along when I looked at the way the BN lead government is spending the taxpayers money.