Saturday, 17 March 2012


Sayang sekali tidak ramai daripada pengundi-pengundi kita terutama mereka dari rural areas yang dapat membaca berita ini yang di siarkan oleh portal berita online, Malaysia Chronicle bertarikh 16 December 2011.

“M'sia the 4th most corrupt nation in the world but not a sound from Najib"

For the first decade of the new century, Malaysia has lost a staggering RM1.08 trillion (US$338 billion) in illicit outflows which is the fourth highest in the developing world.

In the period 2000-2009, China lost US$2.74 trillion in illicit financial outflows and was the developing country with the largest illicit outflows, according to a country ranking published in the report. Mexico ranked second, with US$504 billion and Russia third with US$501 billion while our closest-ranked regional neighbour is the Philippines, who at 13th place lost US$121 billion.

Illicit outflows can be taken as a benchmark or indication of the scale of corruption. This means Malaysia has the most corrupt set of leaders in Southeast Asia, who are also the 4th most corrupt in the world, stashing the massive amounts of money they plunder overseas.

The Global Financial Integrity (GFI) reported in January that RM930 billion flowed out of Malaysia from 2000 to 2008, growing to RM218 billion per year from an initial RM71 billion in that period. Malaysia lost RM150 billion in illicit outflows in 2009. The report elaborated further by stating that the increase was “at a scaled seen in few Asian countries” and continued added, “The volume of illegal capital flight from Malaysia has come to dwarf legitimate capital inflows into the country in recent years.”

Bribery, theft and kickbacks

The warning bells were sounded as early as January 2011 by the likes of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who questioned the apathy shown by the government towards the problem of illicit outflow via corruption and tax evasion practices.

Corruption – bribery, theft and kickbacks – accounts for the other half of illicit flows and dominate the Middle East, North Africa and developing Europe, the report said.”

Saya cuba terjemahkan seberapa yang boleh.

"Malaysia Negara Ke Empat Paling Korup Di Dunia Tetapi Najib Sepatah Pun Tak Berbunyi."

Untuk dekad pertama kurun ini, Malaysia kehilangan RM1.08 trillion melalui pengaliran keluar wang negara secara haram. Ini merupakan pengaliran keluar wang secara haram yang keempat tertinggi di dunia di belakang Cina, Mexico dan Russia.

Pengaliran keluar wang secara haram boleh dilihat sebagai penanda tahap korupsi sesebuah negara. Ini menunjukkan bahawa Malaysia mempunyai barisan pemimpin yang paling korup di Asia Tenggara, yang telah memunggah keluar wang negara yang disamun secara terhormat.

January lalu, Laporan Integrity Kewangan Antarabangsa, melaporkan sebanyak RM930 billion mengalir keluar dari Malaysia antara tahun 2000 sehingga 2008 iaitu peningkatan RM218 billion setahun daripada jumlah asal RM71 billion bagi tempoh tersebut. Malaysia kehilangan RM150 billion dalam aliran keluar wang secara haram pada tahun 2009. Laporan tersebut menambah bahawa peningkatan ini adalah dalam skala yang jarang-jarang di lihat dalam negara-negara di Asia. Laporan menyambung bahawa jumlah wang yang mengalir keluar secara haram dari Malaysia telah menciputkan aliran wang yang masuk ke Malaysia secara sopan, kebelakangan ini.

Seawal January 2011, pemimpin pembangkang Anwar Ibrahim telah memberi amaran mengenai ketirisan ini sambil mempersoalkan sikap buat dek atau buat donno yang ditunjukkan oleh pihak kerajaan terhadap masalah aliran keluar wang secara haram melalui amalan-amalan korup dan kelepet cukai.

Hasil Korupsi, curi dan tumbuk rusuk (Corruption, bribery, theft and kickbacks) merupakan sebahagian besar daripada wang yang di bawa keluar secara haram dari negara-negara Timur Tengah, Africa Utara dan negara-negara menbangun di Eropah.

Untuk cerita sepenuhnya, pandai-pandailah baca sendiri.

Sebagai satu usaha untuk mengemparkan kita, laporan di atas juga melaporkan ramalan menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Idris Jala, bahawa Malaysia akan jatuh muflis pada tahun 2019 disebabkan ketidakupayaan Malaysia menguruskan (servicing) hutang negara yang semakin menggunung.

Kalau saya tak silap, Bank Negara Malaysia ada mekanisma untuk mengesan urusniaga kewangan yang pelik yang melibatkan bank-bank yang beroperasi di negara ini, penukar wang dan badan-badan tertentu yang bertindak sebagai pelapor kepada Financial Intelligence Unit, Bank Negara Malaysia (FIU BNM) jika mengesan sebarang transaksi kewangan yang luar biasa. Contohnya seorang ASP PDRM yang memindahkan wang hampir sejuta ringgit dari akaun banknya di Singapura ke akaun banknya di Malaysia. Yang menjadi tanda tanya bagaimana FIU BNM gagal mengesan wang yang lari malam hingga menyebabkan Malaysia jadi negara ke 4 paling korup di dunia hingga kita corot berbanding Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina. Mana nak letak muka weh!

Adakah perkara ini berlaku kerana cerita lapok yang lazim berlaku di Malaysia iaitu ada undang-undang yang ketat macam anak dara makan jamu sari rapat tetapi tidak dikuatkuasakan atau adakah kerana penguatkuasa undang-undang di malaysia mengamalkan penguatkuasan terpilih. Orang kecik buat, dalam kain pun nampak tapi jika orang ada nama atau connections buat, mata penguatkuasa tiba-tiba ada cataract.

Salam sayang dari Uncle B, yang walaupun berkaca mata, masih boleh melihat kiri kanan depan belakang luar dan dalam.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Sharizat dah letak jawatan sebagai Menteri Jaga Wanita & Keluarga. Berkokok orang UMNO bagaimana mulianya pengorbanan Sharizat untuk parti, bangsa, ugama dan negara. Panjang cerita, tak kering dakwat akhbar arus perdana menceritakan kehebatan Sharizat. Elok kita diam aje. Bak kata pak mertua saya, “Kita iakan saje”.

Cuma jangan lupa. Sebelum tahu suaminya nak kena dakwa di mahkamah, Sharizat jugalah yang bermati-matian mempertahankan kedudukannya. Mentelah lagi ada menteri-menteri yang mempertahankan syarikat lembu suaminya. Soalannya. Isu tetap sama tetapi kenapa sekarang baru nak letak jawatan?

Masa saya dalam pasukan polis dahulu, zaman sebelum perdana menteri Malaysia kembang-kembang hidung cerita fasal Government Transformation Program atau GTP, kami pegawai-pegawai polis yang gaji tak seberapa tapi diperkuda macam kuli kang, sentiasa kena keluar duit poket sendiri untuk membeli peralatan untuk menjalankan tugas rasmi atau bahasa kampongnya, kerja gomen. Beli kertas tulislah, komputer sendiri, printer ink sendiri, sampai kulit fail kertas siasatan pun kami kena cetak dan bayar sendiri. Stor lojistik polis 24 jam tak ada stok atau kalau ada pun kena tunggu dua tiga bulan baru dapat tapi kerja nak kena siap lah ni. Nak harapkan pegawai atasan yang pangkat keris bersilang bantu kami, malam sikit. Depa (tak semualah tapi kebanyakkannya) hanya tahu mengarah dan suruh guna inisiatif sendiri untuk mendapatkan bekalan kerja yang diperlukan.

Sebab tu agaknya, pegawai rendah dan kanan polis pandai mengoleh, kowtim, cari sponsor atau dalam bahasa MACC, rasuah. Agaknya, alang-alang guna inisiatif dan tebal muka macam pengemis untuk dapatkan bekalan kerja, untuk anak pengarah kahwin atau hadiah golf tournament anjuran PDRM, elok juga tumpang tui guna inisiatif untuk tambah pendapatan cara cepat, mudah dan lumayan tapi tak betul.

Fikirkan lepas ada GTP, PEMANDU dan IDRIS JALA, benda-benda tak senonoh macam ni dah jadi bahan museum. Rupanya tidak. Petang 14 Mac 2012, kebetulan saya berada di pejabat lama saya di Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersil, Bukit Aman untuk satu kerja rasmi. Seorang chief clerk (yang masih lagi mengancam walaupun dah jadi nenek) mengadu kepada saya, yang dia dan anak buahnya kena tong tong (kongsilah tu) untuk beli kertas tulis.

Moral kedua-dua cerita di atas?. Dulu (bermula zaman regim Dr.M), kini dan selamanya, UMNO tetap UMNO. Cakap tak serupa bikin.

Hingga jumpa lagi, selamat mendengar cerita dongeng kerajaan dari Uncle B, yang kadang-kadang cakap dulu baru buat, adakalanya buat dulu baru cakap dan selau jugalah, yang dibikin tapi tak serupa cakap.


Thursday, 8 March 2012


The Indonesian Parliament is banning women MPs from wearing provocative clothing such as mini skirts to work. House of Representatives speaker, Marzukie Alie said “women wearing INappopriate clothes arouse men, so it needs to be stopped. You know what men are like – provocative clothing will make them do things”.

I do not know what Malaysian men will do when they see women in provocative clothing but I know what I will do. My jaws will drop, I’ll start drooling and my eyes will pop out of it’s socket. If in the evening and there’s nobody around, most probably I’ll howl like a wolf. But that’s all I’ll do. I don’t partake of food exposed to dirt and flies

According to the deputy head of the Indonesian Parliament's, Household Affairs Committee, one Mr. Refrizal, “miniskirts and skimpy clothes are an invitation to to male lawmakers”.

I do not know what sort of invitation Mr.Refrizal is referring to, as it can be an invitation to the skimpily dressed woman’s house, an invitation to dinner (and whatever goes after that) or even an invitatation to a one night or even a weekly stand. But one thing I am sure of. Leave food uncovered and flies will drop by for a visit. After all, uncovered food and flies deserved each other.

This move to ban the wearing of sexy and revealing clothes to Parliament is back by none other than two female house members who happens to be former fashion models. Heck, surely these women knew what they are doing. Either that or these two women are at the age where even wearing a 2 piece bikini doesn’t make them look sexy anymore.

As usual, women’s rights group are outrage by this proposal. If in Malaysia, there is a likelihood that the police will be informed that the emancipated women of Malaysia will hold an assembly titled Telanjang Malaysia 2012, to be spearheaded by Sisters In Islam.

Personally,I disagree with such a move by the Indonesian Parliament. Not only in parliament but anywhere in Indonesia, if any indonesian woman wants to walk stark naked in the streets, let them be. I am sure the indonesia government believes in such things as women’s rights, freedom of expression and so forth. What happens to the naked woman after that, that is her problem. She wants to play rugby, she’d better be prepared to suffer bruises and broken bones. As to the man with the itchy XXXX, he has to pay the piper too. I would even suggest that we allow malaysian women, the same freedom too. After all, it’s their body, their boobs and their XXXX.

As for Uncle B, my jaws may drop, I may start drooling, my eyes may pop out and I may howl like a mad wolf but that’s about all I’ll do. I don’t go for cheap things.

Bye, from Uncle B, jantan yang ada class.

Saturday, 3 March 2012


A colleague of mine emailed me this piece of news. However I have taken the liberty to edit it but not to the extent of distorting the meaning and intention of the writing.

From The Star came this news. A fully air-conditioned RM100mil pedestrian walkway linking Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) and Bukit Bintang, two major retail and tourism spots here, is open now. The walkway includes a 562m long and five-metre wide elevated walkway with escalator and staircase entry and exit points at strategic and convenient locations. The project was financed by Petronas under its social contribution programme. It links the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre to Impiana KLCC Hotel and the hotel to the Pavilion bridge crossing at Bukit Bintang.

RM100 million is a mind boggling amount of money for a 562 metre long and 5 m wide walkway. At a time Idris Jala told the country that we are about to go bankrupt if the government does not stop the subsidies to the rakyat, Petronas went on a spending spree in the name of CSR. Not RM 100,000 or RM 500,000 but RM 100,000,000. If Petronas really wants to get involved in CSR programmes, they could have use this money to build 2 or 3 mini-hospitals around Selangor which can benefit the poor in the rural areas more, instead of impressing the tourists.

It is ok if the walkway was financed by private corporations as the money is theirs to spend. However in the case of Petronas, the money belongs to the Rakyat. It is high time those charged with running Petronas remember this. They are just the caretakers of the Peoples' money.

Lets do some arithmetic: 562m x 5m = 2810 sq. metres. One sq. metre = 10.76 sq feet. So 2810 sm x 10.76 sq ft = 30,235 sq ft.

Petronas has paid RM100 million / 30,235 sq ft. = RM3,307 per sq foot (psf) of pedestrian walkway !!

A medium sized bungalow house in KL and the Klang Valley should have a built up area of about 5,000 sq ft. So Petronas' 30,235 sq. ft pedestrian walkway has the floor area of about six medium sized bungalow houses only. Bukan lah besar sangat pun.

The price of a 5,000 sq. ft. bungalow house in say 6000 sq feet of land in non prime areas in the Klang Valley like Country Heights, Kajang (not in Bangsar, Damansara Hts or Kiara ok) should be around RM2.5 - RM2.8 million.

This means the psf selling price of the bungalow is about RM500 - RM560 per sq foot. of built up house area.

Six such bungalows (30,000 sf total built up area) can be bought for between RM15-RM16.8 million. This would include land cost, fairly up market fixtures and finishings, at least six bathrooms each and even a jacuzzi in the master bath.

Lets also compare some condominium selling prices in upmarket areas in KL. Here are some psf condominium prices in Kiaramas and Bangsar.

1. Kiaramas Sutera penthouse & deluxe units at Mont Kiara,4,000sf. Cost RM375 psf.

2. Seni Mont Kiara. Brand new 6 star. 19th flr 3541 sqft. 4+tv room+1. Rent RM9K or sale RM750 psf.

3. Menara Bangsar :Extensively renovated unit on lower floor. 1650sf. Modern fitted kitchen, brand new bathrooms, ceiling etc. Move in condition RM1.15m ono. This works out to about RM700 psf..

In comparison, Petronas has paid RM 3,307 psf of pedestrian walkway - almost SIX times the psf price of a six star condominium in Mont Kiara. I dont think Petronas suffered any land acquisition cost (it is elevated above the road). Yes the construction is elevated, light weight steel box girder. The walkway is designed for pedestrians, not cars, buses or lorries. This means the load bearing structures should be fairly light (hence it should cost much less).

I dont think it is paved with 916 gold either. And there are no Jacuzzis provided in case the ever increasing number of KL's vagrants who do populate some of the other walkways at nite, want to take a bath or have a water massage.

Now, the BN government is getting more ridiculous by going on a wild spending spree when the poor rakyat could not even make ends meet. Someone had a very early Christmas and a very large ang pow/bonus for the connected.

This is my comment to my colleague on the article that he sent me.

Dear Bro Amirul,

I have always maintained that the BN politicians leading this country is only interested in development for the sake of fattening their and their cronies pocket. When putting up a project which is of course finance by the rakyat, the main question is how much ringgit can this project inject into their pockets and not how much and in what way can this project benefits the rakyat. That’s the reason why we have so many white elephant projects that is draining the country dry instead of generating income for the rakyat. I wonder how many km of covered bicyle lanes we can built connecting the outlying areas of KL to KL city with RM 100 million. Such projects would benefit the rakyat who can be healthy and at the same time save on commuting costs. But then again, knowing our esteemed leaders, the cost of the bicycle lanes, should it be built, will be way over the moon. Just like our MRT which is 5 times more costly per km run compared to China’s fast speed rail projects.

Talking about white elephant projects, I guess this is endemic when we have ulu mentality but overseas educated malays running the country. These type of Malays goes for glamour, not for gains. The question in such a malay mind, is what image will a third party have of me, if I do such and such a thing. Ever seen a typical malay house. The living room is really dasyat. Expensive italian furnishings, canggih punya AV equipments, etc, but go inside their bedroom. Tak ada class. Everything murah one. Tempat tidur lebih kurang sama dengan tempat cari makan ayam Belakang Mati.

Why like this? Because to a typical malay, what people think of you is more important than what you think of yourself. That’s why a malay spend more money on his living room, because that’s where people judge you and less money in the bedroon since the only judge there is yourself.

Precisely because of such mentality that the malay majority leaders of this country build KLIA (only 2nd tier & 3rd tier airline lands at KLIA), makes it’s own car (which is more expensive than imported cars) and the MRT, amongst others. Do check, This projects are not bringing in profits for the rakyat. Menghabiskan duit rakyat lagi ada. Look at Thailand. They are known as the Detroit Of The East” without using a single baht of the rakyat Thai money. All this money wasting projects are for glamour only, not for profits. Only the malays have the Pak Pandir folk tale, with the famous tagline, “Menang Sorak Kampong Tergadai” or “You win applause but loose your kampong”. The world stands in awe at our Twin Towers, our KLIA, our Sepang F1 Racetrack, our motor industry but our country is deep in debt and going bankrupt.

A malay friend of mine once said, “Orang nampak kereta apa yang kita pakai tapi tak nampak apa yang kita makan”. In simple english, “People can see what type of car you drive but won’t know what type of food you eat”. What more can I say.
